“iCarly” is an American sitcom genre that aired from 2007 to 2012. It was produced by Dan Schneider. This sitcom comes from the United States and is written in English. This sitcom ran for seven seasons and ran from 2007 to 2012. This sitcom has 109 episodes. The main characters of this sitcom are Carly Shay played by Miranda Cosgrove and Sam Pukett played by Jennette McCurdy, Freddie Benson played by Nathan Kress, Spencer Shay played by Jerry Trainor, and Noah Munck, played by Gibby Gigson.
Next, I will give you an overview of this sitcom story. This sitcom is a story that makes you laugh at something interesting. The sitcom is facilitated by the protagonists Curly and Sam on the web show, Freddie is filming, and Gibby is the assistant.
Finally, I would like to explain my impression of sitcom. This sitcom was very interesting. The appearance of the characters working together to create a story was very fascinating, and it was an interesting story that made me laugh.