Movie Review : Ready Player One
“Ready Player One” is a science fiction movie released in the United States in 2018. The screenplay was written by Ernest Cline and Zak Penn and it was directed by Steven Spielberg. The main character of this movie is Wade Watts played by Tye Sheridan. The film was nominated for a Saturne Award for Best SF Film, Best Director, Best Music, and Best Special Effects, and an Academy Award for Visual Effects. The box office revenue was about 580 million dollars worldwide, about 130 million dollars in North America, and about 2.55 billion yen in Japan.
Next, I will give you an overview of the story of this movie. This movie is about the world of Virtual Reality where you can transform yourself into an avatar and experience various adventures The main character, Wade Watts, explores this Virtual Reality world and has a bond with offer characters. It’s so powerful and shocking that you might get caught up in this story.
Finally, I will explain the impression of the movie. This movie was very interesting. It was very emotional to see the main character, Wade Watts, working with his friends to tackle difficult challenges.