Famous films directed by Christopher Nolan include The “Dark Knight”, “Inception”, and “Dunkirk”. The movie The “Dark Knight”was released in August 2008. The movie “Inception” was released in July 2010. The movie “Dunkirk”was released in September 2017.
“Interstellar”is a science fiction genre film released in the United States in 2014. The film was written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan and directed by Christopher Nolan. The main character of this movie is Joseph Cooper played by Matthew McConaughey. The box office revenue was about 165 million dollars worldwide, about 188 million dollars in the United States and Canada, and 1,265 million yen in Japan.
Next, I will give you an overview of the story of this movie. This movie is the story of astronauts sailing to another galaxy in search of a planet on which humanity can migrate. The appearance of astronauts navigating in space was awesome. I also like the way astronauts help each other.
Finally, I will explain the impression of the movie. This movie was interesting. It was a moving movie with a sense of realism and urgency.